Friday, May 21, 2010

Religious People Are Easily Persuaded

Most of us don’t want to be characterized as “submissive,” yet the Bible describes the person living according to God’s wisdom as being submissive. The word “submissive” literally means “open to reason or easily persuaded.” You may think that sounds like being a wimp – the kind of person who’s gullible and easily pressured and persuaded – but that’s really not what it’s saying. The submissive person truly listens to others’ points of view and has the inclination to agree rather than disagree.

Too often we automatically say “no” before listening to someone’s request. A submissive person doesn’t always go along with anything that’s suggested, but that person’s initial default is to try to say “yes.” Hearing the other person out and trying to go along whenever possible, is the way of God’s wisdom.

That's really strange because every time i have a discussion with a person of god's wisdom, "hearing me out" is about the last thing they want to do. I mean obviously it's because they have an absolute abhorrence for logic and evidence. But isn't it obvious that if religious people were open to being persuaded, there wouldn't be any left?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

God's A Rental Car Company

Fender benders are one of life’s annoyances. Not the least of the frustrations is how to get around while your car is being repaired. I remember a time when it happened to me and a friend graciously offered me the use of his car while he was on vacation. I gratefully accepted, not minding that his car happened to be a brand new Porsche! It was a great car and I loved driving it. But, you know, I treated that Porsche differently because it wasn’t mine. I drove more carefully. I think I even enjoyed it more because I knew I would have to give it back.

And that’s how we should treat all of our possessions. We should believe that everything we have belongs to God. It may be ours to use for awhile, but whenever he wants it back, it’s his to claim. It’s an attitude that helps keep our wealth (or lack of it) in perspective.

A Porsche! What an evil asshole this guy is! Why the fuck was he spending so much time chasing dollar signs where he could afford a Porsche instead of praising and seeking god?

And why didn't your dumb ass drive more carefully and pretend your car "was god's possession" in the first place? God's gonna be pretty pissed when he gets that car back from you and checks the CARFAX report and finds a Salvage Title. Tread carefully my friend! I've read some things in the bible where god gets pretty mean and petty, and it was over a lot less than wrecking his car he loaned you.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mo Money, Mo Problems

When a reporter asked billionaire John D. Rockefeller, “How much money is enough?” he answered, “A little bit more.”

Everywhere we go, we get the message that our worth as persons is defined in terms of our wealth. But listen to what Jesus taught, “I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.…It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

We live in a time of great affluence – when it’s all too easy to put our trust in our wealth rather than in God. Our standard of living is amazing compared to that of much of the world. But, wealth itself isn’t the problem; it’s the importance we give it. Trusting in our wealth is a tragic mistake.

After all, wealth is temporary, but heaven is forever!

Now this is some real shit, even for this guy. GREAT fucking message. I just love when religion tells you to marginalize your life and lives of others on earth because "the party doesn't really start until after you die."

So yeah... don't try to make money and provide for your kids, just put your trust in god... he'll feed your kids...By the way, your kids like rainwater and dandelions right? Eat up kids! Yummers!

And what the hell is this shit?:

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
- Matthew 19:24


Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord... Wealth and riches shall be in his house...
- Psalms 112:1-3

Thanks for nothing once again bible.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pay Your Rent With Prayers, Wishes & Dreams

We live in a materialistic society and, in many ways, money has become the religion of our country. Banks are its temples and financial publications are more closely followed than church liturgies. We value one another according to how much money we have or earn. We are fascinated with finding out someone’s net worth. And we adjust our appraisal of people on the basis of how much money they have.

Because of all this, I believe that money must be perceived as more of an enemy than a friend. Unfortunately, money is often the primary competition for God as to what comes first in our lives.

The pressure to live for and worship money in our society is extraordinary. It takes a deliberate spiritual commitment on our part to choose serving Almighty God over the almighty dollar.

This one's especially hilarious. What did you idiots pay local radio stations with in order to air this very advertisement?? Prayers? Or was it money? I'm guessing money.

I mean holy shit... it must be so fucking easy for you to say "chase after an imaginary sky monster god instead of the almighty dollar" when you're a business that features an invisible product, with no overhead, that never has to deliver on its promises!... AND doesn't have to pay TAXES!

And unless there isn't a collection plate at your church, THIS VERY AD is trying to promote your product, drive more customers to the pews to stuff YOUR coffers with more money!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Spend Time With Your Kids Because God Said So

If I were asked to sum up advice to new parents in three words or less, I would say, “Savor the moment.” Remember not to take for granted the joy of cradling that little baby in your arms – even if it’s the middle of the night! Take delight in those first toddling steps. Give priority to attending your child’s games and events. Count these moments as gifts from God to be savored.

Susanna Wesley, an eighteenth century mother, had nineteen children. One of her biographers tells that she made it a point to spend one hour each week alone with each of her children. What an overwhelming task that must have been with all the demands placed upon her by such a huge family. But Susanna Wesley understood the priority of investing in and delighting in her children. She savored the moment!

Newsflash: You don't have to believe anything on insufficient evidence to enjoy the time you spend with your kids. In fact, I'd suggest skipping church on Sunday's and instead find a fun activity you enjoy with your kids. That will create a much stronger bond with them than reading and singing from books of Iron Age barbarism.

Also it's too bad Susanna couldn't mix in some birth control. Unless it was for the purpose of employing an entire staff on their 18th century farm, I'm going to go ahead and saying birthing 19 children is it's own form of child abuse. If you only spent one hour a week with a kid under your custody in today's laws, Child Protective Services would arrest your ass.