Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's Dangerous To Go About Your Life Assuming Zeus Won't Punish You For Eternity

Our lives are based on assumptions. I remember a conversation between a Christian and an atheist. The Christian assumed that the Bible was true, and that he would go to heaven when he died. The atheist assumed that the Bible wasn’t true, and that when you’re dead, you’re dead.

Finally, the atheist said, “So, what happens if you live your Christian life and at the end of it you discover that I was right and you were wrong?”

The Christian replied, “I will have lived a good life and I will die.”

Then the Christian asked, “But, what if I’m right and you’re wrong?”

The atheist thought for a moment before saying, “Then I will have made the worst possible mistake of all of eternity.”

Our assumptions shape our thinking about everything in life. But if our assumptions are wrong – the results are eternal.

Nope. Wrong. Atheists have already answered Pascal's Wager probably a million times over in an hundred different ways, but apparently it still has no affect on people regurgitating it over and over and over like they discovered the human genome or something. HaHA! Checkmate Atheist!

Off the top of my head, here are just a few answers that an actual atheist would have responded to "What if the Christian is right and you're wrong?" none of which include "Then I will have made the worst possible mistake of all eternity." ...

1. What if we're both wrong, and Muslims are right? There's aren't just 2 choices here. And further, if Muslims are right, I believe Allah would be even even more angry at your false-god Jesus love, that he would an atheist's disinterest in the whole thing.

2. Assuming the bible is true takes faith. You don't have to believe anything on insufficient evidence to assume the bible isn't true.

3. Belief is not directly subject to the will. I can't just self-induce myself into theistic belief. Thus, if i got up to the pearly gates, i imagine a true god would be aware i was just pretending to believe, and pretty unimpressed by this.