Monday, July 5, 2010

Dream About A Zombie Fable In Order To Get Courage To Set New Goals For Yourself

Dreams are an important part of the human experience. Dreams give us hope. Dreams help us to anticipate the way we want things to become. It is our way of visualizing ourselves in a preferred tomorrow.

But sometimes our dreams are unfulfilled and we wonder why. Do you have an unfulfilled dream? In the past did you dream that you would lose weight, get married, buy a house, be promoted or make the team?

If you see your life as one of unfulfilled dreams, then this message is for you. There is a positive antidote to unfulfilled dreams. Instead of continual disappointment because life didn’t turn out the way you dreamed, turn your heart and hope to Jesus. He will give you the strength to get beyond yesterday’s disappointment and the courage to dream again.

Unfulfilled dreams? Turn your heart and hope to Jesus? And you thought you were disappointed before...

Might i suggest a new strategy instead of living your life like you're playing the lotto?

Stop dreaming. Stop imagining there's some magic presence that will someday start dealing you aces in the card game of life.

Start taking personal action. Start a meal plan if you want to lose weight. Join a social group to meet more people and find a spouse if you want to get married. Stay late after work if you want a promotion.

Or go make out with Jesus and give him a promise ring, probably just as effective.

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